ARTIST: Bonnie Soley
COUNTRY: Eire (Republic of Ireland)
FLAG COLORS: Green, White, Orange
ARTIST’S COMENTS: I have traveled the entire “Emerald Isle” several times, including taking a 17-day course held at the University College Dublin in the summer of 1999. The course was an in-depth study of the history, culture, music, theatre and art of the Celtic people. It is the Enchanted Isle! My heritage is Celtic - Irish and Scottish - so I wanted my pole to reflect this. There are so many things that are Irish! Leprechauns, Shillelaghs, Shamrocks, the Harp, and of course, Guinness and Irish Whiskey. Then there is the incredible green, the mist, the sea, the mountains, the Cliffs of Moher, Slieve League, the Burren, and the Dingle Peninsula especially the northern side along Brandon Bay. And there’s nothing like stopping at a pub in Doolin for a Guinness and some Irish music!
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